A Parent’s Strategy for Social Media & Kids: Communication & Boundaries

Updated on October 17, 2023

As a parent, navigating the world of media can be pretty challenging. It presents both opportunities and risks for our children. Unfortunately, the risks tend to outweigh the benefits as they are exposed to cyberbullying, privacy concerns, inappropriate content, online predators, negative impacts on health, technology addiction, and scams or fraud.

This article is not here to scare you and your children away from social media use but to provide guidance on managing your children’s social media use, protecting their mental health, and fostering responsible online behavior. 

Start Early Conversations

The age at which children can be allowed to use social media is 100% a parent’s choice. However, before they begin using social media, you must talk with your children about its potential impact at a young age. This way, they can develop a healthy understanding of its benefits and risks.

Educate Yourself

Parents need to educate themselves about social media platforms. Familiarize yourself with their features and privacy settings so that you can guide your children effectively. Understanding where data is collected and making decisions regarding privacy settings on each platform is crucial in safeguarding their online experiences.

If you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to research before allowing your kids to mindlessly engage in various social media platforms.

Set Age-Appropriate Restrictions

Most social media platforms have age restrictions for a reason. Ensure your kids meet the minimum age requirement and consider delaying their access until they’re mature enough to grasp the consequences. If your children resist, they probably don’t fully understand the risks. Try explaining the dangers in a way that resonates with them.

Establish Guidelines and Boundaries

Work with your children to establish clear guidelines for social media use. Discuss the amount of time they can spend online, the type of content they can post or consume, and the importance of respectful behavior online. 

Talk with them about the signs of cyberbullying and what to do if they experience any. Cyberbullying occurs in different forms, such as sending threatening or derogatory messages, spreading rumors or lies about someone, sharing embarrassing or manipulated photos or videos without consent, creating fake profiles or accounts to harass others, and excluding or ostracizing someone online. It can also involve identity theft, hacking, or impersonation to access personal information or accounts. 

Create an environment where your children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences. Encourage them to come to you if they encounter any problems.

Monitor Their Activity

Keep an eye on what your children do online without invading their privacy. It’s essential to be aware of their friends, the content they share, and how they behave. There are software programs and apps that allow you to monitor their activities.

Teach Critical Thinking Skills

Teach your children thinking skills so they can assess the authenticity and reliability of information they come across online. Teach them to question sources and verify information before accepting it as accurate. One way to practice this is by using media together. While browsing pages or channels, ask open-ended questions to help them develop hypotheses and encourage them to think in new and diverse ways.

Encourage Offline Activities

Encourage your children to participate in hobbies, sports, and spending time with family and friends. Striking a balance is crucial.

Engaging in offline activities will help them maintain a healthy relationship with social media and prevent excessive screen time. We want social media to be informative, fun, and interactive for kids. However, using technology can become addicting for children quickly. If your child is begging to get online, offer alternatives first or encourage playing outside with them. Enforce boundaries, like setting a certain amount of time they can use it. 


Open and ongoing communication is critical. Regularly check in with your children about their social media experiences, promptly address any concerns or issues, and adjust your approach as they grow and mature. If you feel like your child’s technology addiction is out of control, contact our therapists, who can help you enforce boundaries with your children.